Unblock your chakras: Seven ways to overcome weight loss plateaus

You’re doing everything right—you’re exercising, eating well, and getting your daily step count in. But for some reason, you can’t seem to shed those last 10 pounds.

If you’re struggling to reach your weight loss goals despite your best efforts, the answer might be deeper than you think. Energy healing practices (like Reiki) suggest that our emotional and psychological issues can manifest as physical tension. In other words, if you’re dealing with emotional baggage, you’re going to feel it in your body. 

These issues are intimately tied to your energy centres, known as chakras. Chakras play a vital role in your overall wellbeing and when they’re imbalanced, they slow you—and your weight loss journey—down. Let’s take a closer look at each of the seven chakras and their impact on your weight goals. I’ll give you tips to rebalance them so you can finally cross the finish line!

1. Muladhara: Your Root Chakra

Known as the first chakra, this energy center is located at the base of your spine. When your root chakra is balanced and functioning properly, you feel grounded, safe, and secure. But when it’s down, you might feel nervous (gym anxiety anyone?), fearful, or your immune system might be at an all time low.

Alignment Tip: Grounding Yoga Poses

Yoga is a great way to quiet your mind, connect with your breath, and bring focus to your root chakra. Postures like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) and Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) will anchor your energy and restore a sense of stability so you can focus on your next step.

2. Svadhisthana: Your Sacral Chakra

Located in your lower abdomen (just below your naval), your second chakra fuels your creativity, sensuality, pleasure, and passion. When balanced, your sense of wellbeing is high, your self-expression is healthy, and your relationships are thriving. But when it’s off, say hello to mood swings, creative blocks, hormonal imbalances, and relationship troubles.

Alignment Tip: Find a Workout Buddy

Find a support group (like my Reboot Your Life Mentorship!) or a close friend to work out with. Working out with others on a similar journey can help you push past your mental limits and cheer you on towards your goals. 

3. Manipura: Your Solor Plexus Chakra

Your third chakra is your energy center located in your upper abdomen. It’s the source of your personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. When it’s functioning optimally, you’re on fire. Your self-esteem is up, your confidence is boosted, and you’re not second guessing yourself. But when it’s out of sorts, self-doubt sneaks in along with a lack of motivation, and sometimes digestive problems. 

Alignment Tip: Visualization

Ever heard of the saying, “fake it til you make it”? It’s true! Visualization exercises can boost self-confidence and reinforce an unwavering belief in your abilities. See yourself achieving your weight loss goals and believe it. As you explore this powerful technique, a renewed sense of power will take root. Trust your vision.

4. Anahata: Your Heart Chakra

The key to your heart is the fourth chakra, the area right in your chest. This energy centre deals with all matters of the heart—love, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy. When your heart chakra is balanced and open, you can’t help but express love for yourself and others. If it’s imbalanced, it can manifest as emotional pain and heartache, unworthiness, respiratory issues, and even high blood pressure. 

Alignment Tip: Meditation

Take time to sit and focus on the radiant energy residing in your chest. Visualize it expanding with each breath. As you connect with this profound energy, allow love to permeate every fiber of your being. See yourself immersed in a sea of love, extending boundless compassion to yourself and others. Carry this energy forward into your exercises, your next meal, and any other self-care practices.

5. Vishuddha: Your Throat Chakra

When you just can’t find your words, it might be because your fifth chakra needs attention. Located in your neck, this energy centre is associated with communication, self-expression, authenticity, and your truth. When it’s balanced, you can communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly. When it’s not, you might feel misunderstood, afraid to speak up, or experience issues with your thyroid, neck, and shoulders.

Alignment Tip: Creative Self-Expression

Whether it's through writing, painting, or dancing, find an outlet that allows you to express any emotions related to weight loss. It's a cathartic way to release emotional blocks without the added pressure of trying to reach your goal. 

6. Ajna: Your Third Eye Chakra

Can’t hear your inner voice? An imbalanced sixth chakra is likely why. Located the middle of the forehead (just above the space between your eyebrows), this energy centre powers your intuition, imagination, and inner wisdom. When open and aligned, your thoughts are clear, your perception is sharp, and your intuition is active. But when it’s out of sorts, say hello to brain fog, clouded judgement, lack of imagination, and headaches. 

Alignment Tip: Intuition-Enhancing Practices

Heighten your intuition with activities like nature walks or using oracle cards to receive guidance on your weight loss journey. Use crystals associated with your third eye, like amethyst or lapis lazuli, to enhance your connection. Keep them close during meditations or wear them as jewelry to align your energy.

7. Sahasrara: Your Crown Chakra

The seventh and final chakra is your gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual awareness. Located right at the top of your head, it charges your spirituality, connection to higher consciousness, and divine wisdom. When balanced, your spiritual connection deepens, you feel at peace, and have a sense of purpose and meaning in life. When blocked, you might feel stuck, closed-minded, or experience a spiritual or existential crisis. 

Alignment Tip: Try Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing technique that helps restore balance to your chakras. As a reiki practitioner, I help release blockages and realign the flow of energy. This gentle yet powerful practice can bring more than just your crown chakra into alignment. It restores all your energy centres so you can tackle your fitness goals with a renewed sense of self. 

Looking to shatter your weight loss records? Breakthrough any plateau with my Reboot Your Life Mentorship. 

Miranda Grigor

Founder and creative director at Moonstone—a design studio for modern wellness brands and creative business owners.


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